Friday 29 April 2016

Battle Arena Texture changes, and statue

Screenshots of the changes made to the walls in the battle arena as well as additional assets and improvements.

Battle Arena Statue textures

Texturing the Statue- UV editing

I had to manually UV edit every side of my statue which included the body, head and the hat.

the results turned out well, I managed to unfold the textures to the point where the textures wouldn't stretch and the edges where hidden

Friday 8 April 2016

GoD cobblestone monster design

[text]the original design concept for the monster created from the debri of the destroyed city. the monster has the gems in his scull functioning as eyes.

Art bible for the cobblestone monster design.

originally the monster was formed from different parts and animated to walk, attack, stand, and jump.
but then due to coding I had to change the design to a spritesheet animation for the walking and attacking animation
^ walking sprite sheet

^ attacking sprite sheet
references to the cobblestone monster design, black and white images of blitzs London bombing.

GoD portal/magic bolt

Originally created as a portal to progress in the game but with change in the portal design this work has instead been used for the player's weapon. The magic bolt has 7 frames of animation but because its a small fast object its just enough.

the designed has been created with grayscale with overlay colour. the animation includes changing green energy ray and blue and purple cloud.

GoD Health System

Health system by Oskar Wadowski and Jai Morrison.

this is a fully functional health system that works with a canvas, the script works around a canvas and displays player health. if the player attacks the enemy they gain health and if the enemy does damage to the player they lose health, once health score reaches 0 or less the game restarts. this was unfortunately not implemented into the game because of time and coding structure of the game creating problems.


Gems of Destruction One Sheet

Title: Gems of Destruction

The X Simple Arcade game set in fictional world where peace is controlled by the collection of 5 very powerful gems of destruction that contain powerful evil harvested from the world, splitting the gems and sending them to different parts of the world would unleash the evil powers and demonic souls that would transform the terrain around them into dark evil creatures, monsters and cursed environments. The Protectors of the Gems are monks on the hills of Outa, where in their village they guard the gems from ever breaking apart. After total demolition of the Village by powerful lord, the last standing monk survives the battle- his job is to recover the gems before they destroy the planet.

The 4 Pillars

  • The game is a simple platformer that involves jumping attacking enemies in 2D arena.
  • After collecting the Gem a vortex opens up that sends the player to another location where the gems are located
  • It has a scoring system like points score, time, and Gems collected so far
  • At the player progresses

Other important information: Theme, Aesthetics & Technology

The game will have unique aesthetics, from detailed backgrounds to environments and monsters the player will have to face. The scenes of the game become harder as the player progresses through the world, the player loses score points when being attacked by a monster and gains points by attacking each monster; if the player’s score reaches below 0 its Game Over for the player.

The Gems of Destruction uses jumping mechanics and slashing attacks to fight monsters in different environments leading to the Cave traditionally used to combine the Gems together.

The Player Piece

A Monk named Ashu is summoned on a journey to collect all Gems and defeat all evil creatures that emerged from the power of the crystals. The monk belongs to a the Protectors who looked after the Gems in a village on Siron Mountain when a dark and hateful Lord broke to the village and coursed chaos in the village leading to a battle where the monks have failed against enemy’s more powerful weapons. The Lord named Luos = with small group of his warriors who survived the fight stole the Grand Gem constructed from the Gem pieces with different colours representing their evil powers. The Monk must now find the Gem pieces to put them all back in the Isssu Cave meaning Cave of Forgiveness.

The player wears mostly white robes with a belt and sandals along with a blunt long stick weapon weld in the middle, the monk uses his combat skills to defeat the enemies and recover the pieces.


Yi has to combine jumping with attacking to defeat his enemies, using the environment the player will have to jump around the terrain to strike the enemy creatures and recover their objective.

The monsters vary from place to place, the further into the game the monsters will become much harder to beat. The player’s health system is combined with the point score, points are taken away from the player every time they take damage from monsters. The player gains points for killing the creatures; but once their score reaches below 0 its Game Over for the player, the Monk receives energy from every monster he kills which keep him strong.

Story / Goals

After dark lord Luos has brought down the Village on the Mountains of Siron and setting fire to the ruins, killing villagers and animals have claimed the Grand Gem constructed from pieces of Crystals containing evil souls and powers. The Monks living in the village also known as Protectors have failed to save the village and protect the Grand Gem hidden in the undergrounds of the Mountain. Having split the Grand Gem, Lord Luos have unleashed great evil on their World and return back to his Realm while one last Monk survives. Young Monk Yi is a brave warrior practising the combat arts of Siron which was named after the Mountain the Monks have lived on. To save his village from more attacks he must use the powerful spell to teleport to individual gems.

Using his skills and abilities Yi must travel using Vortexes which will lead him to each piece of the Grand Gem, as Yi progresses through the World in search of the Gems of Destruction, he must face stronger creatures which move faster and attack harder. Yi is able to teleport to individual pieces because of the powerful magic signals they emit.

The Gems can only be reconstructed in the Isssu Cave which in the native language means Cave of Forgiveness; once the player collected 5 gems from all regions they must combine the gems together on the limestone table in the Isssu Cave which is the only place this can be done and returned to the village on the mountain and placed back in its locker where its powers will be contained.